Radostné dny
Other title(s): Happy Days
Genre: Documentary film
Year: 1951
Runtime: 00:34:10
Description: A description of various ways in which the Labor Day, on May 1, 1951 was celebrated. The contrast is built between nature and mechanical labor, which is highlighted. The series of parades in Prague are well documented and accompanied by an official ceremony of presidential award to proletariat. B/W scenes represent protests from Paris, Rome, Berlin, Hungary, Rumania, Bulgaria, Poland and China against USA. The film ends with an opulent military parade.
Keywords: práce / státní svátek / historická architektura / komunismus / antifašismus / internacionalismus / labor / bank holiday / historical architecture / communism / anti-fascism / internationalism / Klement Gottwald / Marie Majerová / Marie Pujmanová / Berlín / Paříž / Praha / Bratislava / Řím / Liberec / Plzeň / Berlin / Paris / Prague / Bratislava / Rome / Liberec / Pilsen / VICTOR-E project
Provider: Národní filmový archiv
Rights: In Copyright / NFA/Dillia
Production company: DF Praha
Colour: B/W & Colour
Director: Jiří Weiss
Sound: With sound
Document type:
Language: cs